Our Reports.
We value transparency and provide detailed information in our reports.
Our projects are tailored on the needs and preferences of our target group, people with experience of displacement in Europe.
We regularly monitor the impact of our work by collecting qualitative and quantitative data regarding our services and those offered by the partners operating in Paréa. The following data are then summarized in our monthly and yearly reports. Moreover, we conduct regular evaluations with our community to assess their needs, evaluate the success of our projects and adapt them depending on the changing cirmcumstances.
Check our News page for the monthly reports of Paréa Lesvos.
Our Policies.
Our work is inspired by the core humanitarian principles & by the imperative "do no harm". We follow a strict and professional set of policies.
Our work follows standard operating procedures, which include a strict set of policies, as well as a Code of Conduct for all of our staff and associated personnel. Partner organizations that operate in our facility are expected to follow our partner Code of Conduct and policies.
Our Statutes.
We are governed by our statutes and articles of association.
Europe Cares e.V. is the main organizational entity and registered as an association governed by its members. It holds the Greek legal entity Paréa AMKE and is associated with the Swiss legal entity Paréa St. Gallen.
Safety Incident Reporting.
We are committed to protect the wellbeing and safety of our visitors, volunteers and staff.
We have a zero tolerance policy towards any kind of abuse, violence, misconduct or inappropriate behavior and will investigate any report of wrongdoing. Please issue a report, if you have been a victim or have become a witness to abuse, violence, racism, misconduct of responsibility by Europe Cares-associated personnel. Please issue a report if you have experienced personally, witnessed or have been told about any incident occurred within the premises of Paréa Lesvos, involving Europe Cares-associated personnel or anyone else.
How to report an incident:
Fill in the anonymous Safety Incident Reporting form.
Or send an email to safeguarding@europecares.org.
We will follow up with you for more information.
We will investigate the report and enact appropriate consequences.